About Minerva Reef Retreat
Where does the name, Minerva Reef Retreat, come from?
The actual Minerva Reef consists of two reefs: North and South Minerva, the two reefs lay within close proximity of each other and are situated halfway between New Zealand and Tonga around 400 nm from either country in the South Pacific Ocean. North Minerva reef is in the shape of a circle with a small inlet while South Minerva forms the shape of the infinity symbol. The Minerva Reefs are in the territory of Tonga and named after one of the most important Greek Goddesses, originally a Goddess of war she fought on behalf of just causes and is seen as a civilising influence.
The owners of this home at 18 North Point Ave were lucky enough to spend 7 days anchored inside the infinity shaped South Minerva reef whilst sailing around the world, a journey that they are currently still in the process of completing. At high tide both reefs become submerged making anchoring within the reef in anything other than perfect conditions untenable. To be fortunate enough to experience perfect conditions in the middle of the Pacific for seven straight days is most unusual and the owners consider themselves extremely fortunate to have had this time in this wonderland as many sailors are forced to sail right on past with only very few spending anytime at all within the confines of either reef.
The waters within the reef teem with amazing sea life with an abundance of sharks and turtles while the reef itself gives access to an abundance of crayfish as well as other strange creatures including Molluscs and Eels. The owners consider this is the most beautiful unpopulated and unspoiled place they have ever visited.
About the property
The new owners purchased the home in early 2022 before undertaking recently completed renovations.
The Atrium as you enter the home has been constructed to emanate beauty while adding a feeling of calm. The small jetty over the pond was intended to offer a place to meditate.
The house boasts five spacious bedrooms and four and a half bathrooms, the extremely large master has a King-size bed that can be split into two singles, we also have two extra singles that can be utilised if organised beforehand.
If you like a bath there is a spa bath upstairs and a lovely large bath in the ensuite of the main bedroom. This ensuite also features a double shower.
The expansive dining area features an abundance of seating options and a large chef’s kitchen.
The beautiful wooden maps that adorn some of the walls are also crafted by the owner and his sons in Port Lincoln and they believe they the only ones in the world to make their range of maps and tables in this way.
The magnificent Aquarium is said to be the largest private saltwater aquarium in the Southern Hemisphere and was built at large expense by the original owners with the front viewing screen imported from Japan some twenty years ago.
Inside the tank is a large variety of local fish and other sea life. The large fish are Red Snapper and all new fish introduced to the tank are extremely nervous and for good reason as if the Snapper are allowed to become too hungry the smaller fish and crabs could easily become their next meal.
The school of long silver fish are King George Whiting and are a great local delicacy that you should not leave the area without sampling (not the ones in the tank). Also, in the tank you will see Trevally, Salmon, Drummer, Old wives, Sweep, Trumpeter, Rock Cod, Blue Throat Wrasse, Red mullet and Tommy Ruff (unless eaten earlier by hungry Snapper). Flathead large and small that mostly lay camouflaged on the shell grit floor, a Fiddler, a strong fish who remains permanently parked next to a sea sponge, Two Port Jackson sharks, starfish spiny sea urchins, Pencil sea urchins and a large orange spider crabs There are also some shells cruising around the reef and if you are really lucky you may spot a Moray Eel that makes random and infrequent guest appearances.
Due to the curve of the tank and the thickness of the screen which is approximately 80mm thick all the creatures in the tank seem much smaller than they are in reality which can be attested to when looking into the tank from the top.
The Birds are Roses the Mac-caw and Crackers the African Grey Parrot. Roses spends most of her time observing without saying too much and can get a little testy at times while Crackers will be very interactive once she feels comfortable that she knows you. She will make many sounds and whistles and may ask you "what you are doing" as well as perfectly imitating the ring of a telephone and then answering it in the deep voice of her first owner.

“Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.”
— Greg Anderson